Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday Inspiration #5- Warming your Head

From the beginning of my starting knitting, I have been drawn to hats, I have knitted baby,child and adult. My first hat was a Ribbed hat on straight needles I still can remember the sense of accomplishment I felt after knitting it. I would like to believe that since then it would take something a bit more interesting to excite me, And my most recent excitement is of the Meret of which I have made two both Gifts, I really need to make on for myself the pattern is so gorgeous I really recommend it. But my favorite hat over all the hats I have done would have to be this little cutie :O)Call me mad but I really love the colors and the fact that some child in Africa might be wearing it right now and keeping they head warm. Here are this weeks questions and my answers.

What is your favourite style of hat?
I have always loved Berets I think I have had them (not knitted ) in almost every color at one time or another over my teenage years, but I have not wore a hat in a very long time, even now in the deathly cold of Winter I do not wear a hat.

Do you have a favourite yarn for making hats with?
I love knitting with Aran Worsted or bulky yarns.

What hat patterns are in your queue at the moment?
I have loads but the Cloche will be my next knit, I am sure it will make a great gift.Here is a link to the hats in my queue

Do you have a favourite handmade hat that you (or someone else) has made?
Absolutely here a few of them each of the patterns I have made 2 or 3 of each :O)
Meret My egg blue Hat

Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year !!!!!

I hope that everyone is having a great year so far! I have not been blogging as I would like but I will endeavour to change that this year and blog at least once a week and with at least one finished project. I am not making any resolutions but just am trying to become a better blogger.

I am also hoping to continue onward with y quest to knit more complicated patterns and larger items I think this year will be my year for garments and Stranding/Intarsia. Also knitting up my small stash. :O) And get cracking on knitting my first pair of socks. Wish me luck.

I must say thought my Christmas knitted gifts where very well received even if the recipients where just being nice, but most of them have asked for more knitted items and even volunteered to to buy me a knitting machine so I can get more knitting done faster. Was not too please at that idea, but they wouldn't understand. Non knitter very seldom do. I had to explain that I knit for relaxation and not for the finish items although that does make it all worth while.

But something good did come from my giving knitted gifts, one of my friends Yolande, liked her gifts so much she wanted to learn how to knit to here she is knitting her first project a scarf done in Paton's Lush. A very daring yarn for a first project but it came out quite nice and it took her 3 days to complete it, a very good effort. And already she is onto her second project. I feel so please my first student.

Here are a few of my FO'S

Pattern: Robins Egg Blue Hat #2
Yarn: New Lanark Bulky (Heather)
Needle: Us10 / 6mm
I really love this hat the color is really nice! This is my second hat, the first one was a gift.

Pattern :Meret (Mystery Beret) by Woolly Wormhead
Needle:US 8 / 5.0 mm
Yarn:New Lanark Donegal Silk Tweed Aran
Really nice pattern have made 2 so far both for friends,

Pattern: Chunky Cozy Scarf
Yarn: New Lanark Bulky (New Natural)
Needle: Us 15 / 10mm
Pattern: Karlchen
Yarn: New Lanrk DK
Needle: Us 6 / 4mm

Pattern:Thorpe by Kirsten Kapur
Needle US 8 / 5.0 mm
Yarn New Lanark Bulky (Limestone)

Pattern:Chunky Stripe Beanie
Needle:US 10 / 6.0 mm
Yarn:New Lanark Bulky
This was a quick last minute Christmas gifts, no pattern I just came from my head.

Friday Inspiration #4- Warming your Knees

This weeks inspiration is warming the knees. I think this is probably my favorite one as I do love the idea or snuggling up in a nice blanket and watching tele or reading or knitting. But in saying that I also have to confess that I have no knitted blankets of my own but I will fix soon as I have a few in my queue on Ravelry. Here are this weeks questions.

What has been your favourite finished blanket/lapghan?
Again I am limited in my options as I have only done 2 types of blankets and both where quite simple. But of the two I really liked the Pinwheel Blanket.
Do you have a favourite pattern that you'd like to make in the future?
Absolutely!!!!! I have had the Hemlock Ring Blanket on my wish list now for ages but have yet to find the perfect yarn for it. I want something soft yet, warming also with the amount needed I'll need something economical as well I am still trying to find that perfect yarn. Any suggestions?????

Do you have a favourite type of yarn for making blankets/lapghans?
No not as yet as all the ones I have made so far are done in Acrylic because they where for babies, but as I said above I want soft and warm.