Hi guys I am back!!!!!!
First let me start by thanking Carolyn for her get well wishes and kind words, she is a real gem. Also Vikki who sent me a fantastic get well package. It was a very nice surprise, thanks to both of you, lovely ladies.
First let me start by thanking Carolyn for her get well wishes and kind words, she is a real gem. Also Vikki who sent me a fantastic get well package. It was a very nice surprise, thanks to both of you, lovely ladies.
And an update for anyone else who may want to know how I am. I am doing pretty ok, I still can't do certain things like; tinkle without pain but it will go away in time. Hopefully it will all heal before my next op, which I am not sure exactly when that will be but I have my pre op consultation believe it or not 3 days before my birthday wow what a bday gift. (NOT). But I am not going to worry because my God is Good. :O)
In other news, I had so much time just lying on my back I manage to finish my sock and hat and also knitted another hat and started another pair of sock !!Gulp!! on US size 1 needles, which feels like I am knitting with toothpicks. But it's different and I am enjoying it so I will continue. I have been trying to fish project that I have started and somehow have lost the drive to finish like my 10 feet shrug and my market bag. that is going ok because I have threatened myself in order to motivate myself to finish them. A real nut house aren't I? Don't answer.
My 1st socks using Regia 6 ply on US#3 needles. I followed the pattern for Pom Pom Peds minus the pom poms. but I do have some Louet Gems in my stash that I will make these same socks with again.
My Stella Hat done on US#8 needles. the yarn is very nice and soft. I liked the style of the wide ribbed brim of this Next was
A quick Hat in bulky yarn on size #10 needles, with my version of color work. Made for DH.
These 2 are where yarns I claimed on UKarma, for my Slouchy Summer Beret. I really love the colors I think they will make a beautiful hat.

Have a great day!!
Wow, thanks for the thanks and I'm happy to hear that you are doing well. Those are pretty darned good for first socks lady. I love all of the projects and the yarn. You have accomplished a lot and you are deserving of all the yarn as well !!!