So what have I been up too??? Well I'll tell you, I have been learning to spin on a Drop spindle I have to say it is very very addictive. It take lots of practice but I think it will be worth it in the end. I have manage to spin a very small am out of yarn so far and that's not because it's a slow process it's just that I have so many WIPS I have not been able to spend a lot of time spinning.
The only thing I would say is that if you spin from non commercial fibre be prepared for the smell of sheep, but the are so many commercially prepared fibre out they that they is no need to to have that experience. I was given some almost raw fleece so I had the experience, so I now know I don't like that odour so when I buy fibre I will buy commercially prepared.
I am hoping very soon to try spinning an a Wheel, I am very excited at the prospect. I hope to eventually get a wheel of my own, a friend of mine has an Ashford Traveller for sale and I am hoping that if I pool all my birthday money together I might be able to get it.

Here is my First attempt at spinning it's undyed as it's only about 35 yrds, I already have my second attempt on the spindle, I feel a bit more confident now so I will try and spin more fibre so I can have more yarn to play with.The fist pic is the yarn on the spindle and the 2nd is after I have set the twist of the yarn so it wouldn't kink up on itself.