Unto knitting after all this is what this blog is suppose to be about. I have been knitting, I know nothing amazing but for me every time I pick up my pointy sticks is amazing. It means growth and hopefully improvement as a knitter.
I am really hoping that this year will be the year that I finally accomplish knitting actual garments, jumpers, cardigans, camisoles that sort of stuff. I know I have been saying it over and over again but I really want my fist project started in 2009 is the Cobblestone pullover by Jared Flood, I have found a bargain at £8 for a 1 kilo cone of a Wool Silk tweed blend which I think will be perfect for a first sweater I have been told by other the yarn really softens with washing so it should be ok.
Here is my first project for 2009 well technically I started it in December 08 but I finished it Jan 09 so it doesn't really count. :~D
Wendy Fusion Yarn
US 10 Needle
A really nice knit, I really like the I-cord edging, which was a first for me. :~D However I did not follow the instructions for the sleeve. I found and alternative way on a blog which I just can't remember, but it was exactly like the instruction for the thumb of the Fetching Mitts from Knitty. I found this much much easier than the provisional cast on suggested by the pattern.
Tivoli Wool mix and Caron Charming
Us 8 Needle
I really love how these feel on the feet super super soft and warm on the toes. Really tempted to keep the for myself. I hope their fit. These hopefully should be on they way to New York for my Cousin Leisa. :~D
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