It's 10 days before Christmas and I still have 3 pairs of Mitts to make but I am not worried :O) they knit up pretty quickly. Thats one of the nice things about Mittens are Hand warmers.
My first Mittens where a basic pattern but I am very proud of them. Since my first pair I have so far made Fetching, Twisted Rib , Cabled Fingerless Mitts and also mittens for toddler which where a treat to knit.
I think my favorite so far would have to be the Twisted Rib warmers which where done in Noro Silk Country (yummy) the yarn is absolutely gorgeous the mixture of Silk and Alpaca are very nice to knit with and a dream to wear.
I really want to try stranding and I think I will eventually but for now I am happy to knit up the one in my queue. All of which will make excellent gifts. I would love to make myself a pair in Garnstudio Drops Silke Alpaca 20% silk and 80% baby alpaca ohhh my so so soft.:O) :O) but instead of knitting with the yarn I keep it next to my bed and constantly touching it :O).
Your questionnaire's great - I wish I had you as a swap partner! :) I must do the Friday inspiration, I've kind of neglected this swap a bit, must get my bum in gear! xxx