Yarn: Knitpicks Wool of the Andes
Needle: US#6
Cast On: Sept 1th 2008
Bind Off: November 9th 2008
I feel really bad it took me so lonf to finish these, but in my defense I was moving so I didn't have the time. But I love these mittens and i think they will make great gifts.

Yarn: Cascade 220
Needle: US #6 & 8
Cast On: 23rd October 2008
Bind Off: 7th November 2008

Yarn: Sidar Pullman
Needle: US # 8
Cast On: 2th October 2008
Bind Off: 4th October 2008
Needle: US # 8
Cast On: 2th October 2008
Bind Off: 4th October 2008
I love love this pattern, knitted top down. Very warm and snuggly.Great for the cold weather.
Very, very nice. Wonderful color choices also !!!