Monday, December 31, 2007

FO's and WIP

These are a few small items I have done over the holidays to keep my mind occupied. nothing big. the first one is a dishcloth pattern that I use as a doily it was a last minute something But it was so so quick that I promise myself that I will make it over with the correct yarn in the new year.

The second one is another of the Knitted Newborn Hat Pattern that I have decided to knit and donate to charity.

And last but not least my Palindrome Scarf my first cable project the pattern called for 3 cables but because of the bulky yarn I am using I had to drop one of the cables, but like it it is so squishy. I will be knitting the hat as well I am getting and early start on my 2008 Christmas knitting. I know it's quite far ahead but If God spares life I will be thanking myself for the early start.

Hope to have much much more WIP's and FO's in the new year coming.
What's on your needle?

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Hi tell me what you think