2007 what can I really say about this past year, it started out with excitement and promise of great things to come. I was going to move to a totally different country, learn everything there was to know about the craft of knitting which has taken over my life (not that I mind ), and do so many fantastic things. But somewhere along the way things just didn't work out as plan and yes it was planned, I must admit that it has taken a toll on me and my life but I also think it has made that aspect of my life a lot stronger. But although this year has not been totally great it has have it's moments, I have met some amazing people, done some awesome things at least I think there are awesome and tried many new things and anyone who knows me knows I don't like trying new things some of my friends and family are still surprise that I have taught myself to knit. So amidst the bad some good have fought it's way through. I have always heard what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger so that means I should be as strong as an Ox, and I do believe that I am a better and stronger person because of everything that has happened. but I pray that while leaving this year of 2007 and going into 2008 that I can leave behind all my sorrow and step into the new year refreshed, renewed and ready to do amazing things in Jesus name.
I don't usually make list or resolutions but I am going to make a list of all the things I would like to accomplish in the New Year (especially in my knitting, there is so many things I want to do).
So here's my list not quite sure how long or short it will be so here goes:
1>Resolve all issues with people who I have hurt or who have hurt me
2> Stop worrying so much about what others think ok me and believe in myself
3> Stop procrastinating
4> Be more assertive
5>Live a more healthy lifestyle
6> Become Debt free
7>Give more freely of myself
8>Become more proficient in my knitting (take a few classes)
9>Learn to knit lace, knit my 1st garment and create my first original design
10>Increase my finances (for stash enhancement purposes)
I pray that you guys have a blessed and healthy and wealthy 2008.
Goodnight all.