So it's 99 days before Christmas so I decided that since I will be starting my new job in a week or so I better get started before I have no time to knit. Lucky for me I only have 3 persons to knit for this year as I plan to make my other gifts using another form of crafting for everyone else.
But enough about Christmas, I really just wanted to show you guys the hat I made for DH, he's been pestering my forever for a hat with a brim so I did this one on Ravelry with a KAL on the Knitting for Boys group. It done in a lovely Tweed Yarn in bottle green. Accented with a rather nice leather button, which I must admit has grown on me since DH choose the button not even knowing what it was going on.
Project info
Pattern: Salute Hat by Kate Oates
Needle: US 6 - 4.0 mm
Yarn: Forsell Touch of Silk Cone Aran
Doing this as a part of a KAL, on the knitting for boys group. Pattern given in clues spaced over a few days the 1st clue: Was knitting the Front band, with button holes 3sts each. Never done button holes before so found this quite interesting found this video very helpful.
2nd clue: Knitting the back band and slipping 1st st on purl row to prevent excessive rolling.
3rd clue: Decreasing I used sm to avoid counting.
4th Clue The brim and inserting the Plastic brim. Which did involve Wrap and turn which did take me a few minutes to get my head around but did it and feel quite chuffed. I used the cover of a plastic container for brim filling. This is the video I used for the W&T in 2 parts Here and Here
I really am quite pleased with how it came out I hope DH likes it. If he doesn't I'll wear it.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Beate from Cloudyberry Knit, who gernerously gave me this award. I really love reading her Blog as it love to hear about her life in Denmark, and seeing her beautiful pics.Thank you very much
In order to accept this award I have to tell 7 things not much know about my self, so let me give this a shot:
In order to accept this award I have to tell 7 things not much know about my self, so let me give this a shot:
1. I love Cheese!! Not just love it I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!
2. I hate taking photos of myself!! I will find a fault is 99.9 % of the photos taken of me which I usually destroy.
3. I have 15 Neices and Nephews. 10 of which are girls!!
4. I am the 3rd of my mother's children.
5. I Tiger's head birth mark on my right thigh. LOL
6. I love having my head/ scalp massaged, and 100% of the times I have one I always go to sleep.
7. I the smell of the air after a warm Summer rain storm, it just smells so clean.

So it gives me great pleasure to pass this award onto
1.Two Sistahs Knit Together
2.Knitting by the Ocean
3.Cosmic Crafts
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wow another FO........Ishbel #2
Do you guys know that song Whoa-oa-oa! I feel good, I knew that I would, now, I feel Good ta na na na na na!! That is exactly how I feel, two finished knits in one month wow I think it's coming back to me; my lost mojo. Here it is Ishbel #2 for my very good friend Rhonda back in the Caribbean, I really hope she likes it.
I really need to get caught up on my blog reading, but I have soooo much going on there is just not enough hour in the day to do all but I will make the time because I REALLY LOVE reading what you guys are doing.
The first 3 pictures show Ishbel blocked. While the 2nd set of 3 are preblocking. It really grew. I think my next Ishbel will be in bulky yarn, to take me through Autumn's chilly evenings.
Project info
Name Ishbel #2
Pattern Ishbel by Ysolda Teague Craft
Size Sm: St St Lrg: Lace
Needle US 8 - 5.0 mm for body and US 10 - 6.0 mm for BO
Yarn Lana Grossa Klimatika wool/cotton blend
This is my Second Ishbel in a 50/50 Cotton wool Blend wasn't sure how it would have blocked or if would have kept it points. So far so good. Unblocked it measures 54X21 inches and Blocked 64X31 inches. I placed beads on the knit stitch between the 2 yo’s on chart D and E. 188 Toho Seed Beads 6/0 bought from Robins Beads. I think I am becoming a bead fanatic every time I plan to knit a shawl no I try to find a way to add beads to it. After I have finished all my current WiPs My next shawl will be Haruni I can't wait I will be doing two versions a full lace and a st st version with the Chart B edging I have seen some beautiful ones on Ravelry, so hoping mine will do the pattern justice.
Well until next time Good night xx
I really need to get caught up on my blog reading, but I have soooo much going on there is just not enough hour in the day to do all but I will make the time because I REALLY LOVE reading what you guys are doing.
The first 3 pictures show Ishbel blocked. While the 2nd set of 3 are preblocking. It really grew. I think my next Ishbel will be in bulky yarn, to take me through Autumn's chilly evenings.
Name Ishbel #2
Pattern Ishbel by Ysolda Teague Craft
Size Sm: St St Lrg: Lace
Needle US 8 - 5.0 mm for body and US 10 - 6.0 mm for BO
Yarn Lana Grossa Klimatika wool/cotton blend
This is my Second Ishbel in a 50/50 Cotton wool Blend wasn't sure how it would have blocked or if would have kept it points. So far so good. Unblocked it measures 54X21 inches and Blocked 64X31 inches. I placed beads on the knit stitch between the 2 yo’s on chart D and E. 188 Toho Seed Beads 6/0 bought from Robins Beads. I think I am becoming a bead fanatic every time I plan to knit a shawl no I try to find a way to add beads to it. After I have finished all my current WiPs My next shawl will be Haruni I can't wait I will be doing two versions a full lace and a st st version with the Chart B edging I have seen some beautiful ones on Ravelry, so hoping mine will do the pattern justice.
Well until next time Good night xx
Friday, August 13, 2010
198yrds of Heaven..............
It seems like forever since I've been here, life throws all sorts of obstacles In your way to trip you up but the best thing about life is you can choose whether to stay down or get back up. I'm glad I made the right choice.
I have not knitted in months but I have thought about it so I guess that counts. But I have finally broke the spell and knitted this little beauty. Done with slightly more yarn than the pattern called for to increase the size as the original size was so small, I'm happy I did because the finish size was just right. I ran out of yarn and used another yarn in a slightly darker red to finish the edge I think it gives it depth but that just my opinion. I hope the recipient loves it as much as I do.

I have not knitted in months but I have thought about it so I guess that counts. But I have finally broke the spell and knitted this little beauty. Done with slightly more yarn than the pattern called for to increase the size as the original size was so small, I'm happy I did because the finish size was just right. I ran out of yarn and used another yarn in a slightly darker red to finish the edge I think it gives it depth but that just my opinion. I hope the recipient loves it as much as I do.
Size 3.5 rpts of body chart
Needle US 8 - 5.0 mm and US 10 - 6.0 mm
Yarn Cascade Yarns 220 Heathers Amt used 220yrds = 1 skeins
Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Amt used 73 yards = .67 skeins
Hopefully I'll be able to finish other things I have started now that I have gotten my knack back. It's so good to be back!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Monday, February 08, 2010
Baking no knitting!!
So 2 months into the New Year and I have not been knitting, I have 2 shawls on my needles I really need to finish and just even thinking about it seems daunting. I love knitting with natural light and there is not much of that at the moment and the flourescent lights in the flat just doesn't give me the light I need so I find myself straining my eyes to knit with the black yarn which both shawls are in. So I have been filling my time with bread making I have always wanted to bake my own fresh bread as I think the slice bread from the supermarket is tasteless and doesn't taste anywhere as nice as homemade bread. . I found this really tasty recipe for a Whole Wheat bread with honey and it is so gorgeous I would recommend anyone to give it a go. Simple Whole Wheat Bread.
So far I have done 3 half batches i.e. I cut the recipe in half. I also tried out a really nice Flapjacks recipe they are made from oats so they are almost a healthy snack. So here are a few pics of the finished yumminess.
First try at bread making.....
Second attempt.......
Most recent attempt........
Next on my list of breads to try is Brioche but I am yet to find a good recipe online with great reviews. So until I do I'll continue trying this one. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Have a great day!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
The beautiful Wrenna
Here is my long awaited Wrenna a really beautiful knit very quick and super warm, I did not add the lace closure as suggested as it didn't flatter my ample bosom so instead decided I would buy a nice shawl pin, but I was so anxious to show it off I use a hair clip to take the photos, take a look let me know what you think. I'm off to bed for a few minutes off knitting it's been a fun day of throwing snow balls at the neighbours kids and DH. :)

Pattern Wrenna: Leather-laced cardigan by Kristeen Griffin-Grimes Craft
Size L
Needle US 15 / 10.0 mm and US 17 / 12.75 mm and US 11 / 8.0 mm
Yarn Sirdar Bigga
Amt Used 6 skeins = 264.0 yards
Started November 20 2009
Completed November 23 2009
A really lovely pattern. After I deciphered row 14 it was a breeze. I decided to make it a few sizes smaller after reading about the stretch factor I think I could have gone down to the second size but it still fits well :). Overall it took about 14 hours to complete over 3 days :) Used a 8mm needle to finish the sleeve and did 2 rows of rib instead of 1.
Took a million pics of this and still can’t get it right:( it realty is lovely despite my pics.
I am going to make another in a bulky cotton for Summer :)

Size L
Needle US 15 / 10.0 mm and US 17 / 12.75 mm and US 11 / 8.0 mm
Yarn Sirdar Bigga
Amt Used 6 skeins = 264.0 yards
Started November 20 2009
Completed November 23 2009
A really lovely pattern. After I deciphered row 14 it was a breeze. I decided to make it a few sizes smaller after reading about the stretch factor I think I could have gone down to the second size but it still fits well :). Overall it took about 14 hours to complete over 3 days :) Used a 8mm needle to finish the sleeve and did 2 rows of rib instead of 1.
Took a million pics of this and still can’t get it right:( it realty is lovely despite my pics.
I am going to make another in a bulky cotton for Summer :)
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
No knitting..... but I just love it!!!!!!!!!
I got out of bed this morning and the first thing I did was go to the window and I do this every morning during Winter like a child expecting Santa to come down the Chimney. Being born in the Caribbean we have 2 seasons Sun and rain and it has always amazed me at the four seasons that happen in other countries. But what amazes me the most is the season that tugs at my heart strings most of all.
Is it Spring when everything that was asleep and hidden beneathe the ice stretches it's limbs for the 1st time in months, a by what seems like magic just burst to life. Flowers, birds trees all life sings a new song breathing a sweet breathe of sweet air filled the scents of Bluebells and honeysuckles. no it's not spring.
It's not summer although I must admit I do love a good Bar-b-q and having the sun in the sky till 9pm :)when growing my own veg is not just a mare dream but an actual reality when I can go for long walks in the park feel the warm rays on my face and only have to wear the bare minimum of clothing, no not Summer.
It's Winter, when all seems dead and grey, the days are short and the nights are longer, you leave home to go to work it's dark and when you return home again it's still dark. Nothing seems to grow and life almost for a moment seems to stand still; frozen in time. But amidst all the dark and grey days are the moments that follow a Snow fall when the landscape is completely blanketed by these white diamonds and everything looks beautiful now dressed in it's Wintry robes, it brings out the child in us I suppose, sledging, building snowmen, throwing snowballs, I absolutely love it, as a child growing up in the sunny Caribbean I would watch the Christmas TV shows and wished for snow and hoped that I would someday get the chance to experience it. I know to those who have been living with it for all they life it is nothing special and to some it may even be a bother, a pest. but to me I think it's one the amazing things that God created.
Dressed to impress

covered in a blanket
everthing just looks so clean and bright

Picture post card

This post had absolutely nothing to do with knitting. And I didn't meant to try to sound poetic I just feel like I needed to rant on my love of Winter!!!
Is it Spring when everything that was asleep and hidden beneathe the ice stretches it's limbs for the 1st time in months, a by what seems like magic just burst to life. Flowers, birds trees all life sings a new song breathing a sweet breathe of sweet air filled the scents of Bluebells and honeysuckles. no it's not spring.
It's not summer although I must admit I do love a good Bar-b-q and having the sun in the sky till 9pm :)when growing my own veg is not just a mare dream but an actual reality when I can go for long walks in the park feel the warm rays on my face and only have to wear the bare minimum of clothing, no not Summer.
It's Winter, when all seems dead and grey, the days are short and the nights are longer, you leave home to go to work it's dark and when you return home again it's still dark. Nothing seems to grow and life almost for a moment seems to stand still; frozen in time. But amidst all the dark and grey days are the moments that follow a Snow fall when the landscape is completely blanketed by these white diamonds and everything looks beautiful now dressed in it's Wintry robes, it brings out the child in us I suppose, sledging, building snowmen, throwing snowballs, I absolutely love it, as a child growing up in the sunny Caribbean I would watch the Christmas TV shows and wished for snow and hoped that I would someday get the chance to experience it. I know to those who have been living with it for all they life it is nothing special and to some it may even be a bother, a pest. but to me I think it's one the amazing things that God created.
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