ACCENT: Barbadian
CHORE I DON'T CARE FOR: Hand washing
DOG OR CAT:I wasn't an animal person until I met this little fellow
ESSENTIAL ELECTRONICS: Laptop, Cell, Mp3 and my Camera.
FAVORITE COLOGNE: Narcisse For Her and Guess for women
HANDBAG I CARRY MOST OFTEN: I love over sized handbags my the one I use most often now is a cream one with large zips and clasp.
INSOMNIA: Not really only if I am anxious
JOB TITLE: At the moment I am a SAHW
KIDS: Not yet but soon
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Flat in pretty quiet area in Leeds
MOST ADMIRABLE TRAIT: I tell it like it is I believe in telling people the truth
NAUGHTIEST CHILDHOOD BEHAVIOR: I was a tomboy they couldn't keep me in the house always with the boys even when they didn't want me with them, it was take me with you or I am going to tell on you!
OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY: Once I was in ST Vincent on a camping trip and I had an asthma attack was unconscious, had to spend the night and following day in hospital, that was the scariest ever. I didn't even know I was asthmatic until then.
PHOBIAS: Mice, Rats, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs anything that looks like a rat. And cockroaches, frogs and Centipedes. eeeeegadddd
QUOTE: When God is for you who can be against you!
REASON TO SMILE: I am God blessed, loved and healthy.
SIBLINGS: 2 Sisters and 3 Brothers
TIME I WAKE UP: 6.00 am
UNUSUAL SKILL OR TALENT:Sorting, I can bring sanity from confusion
VEGETABLE I REFUSE TO EAT: Tomatoes It may not be a vegetable but I would not eat it
WORST HABIT: I am a neat freak I am constantly arranging and rearranging do not like disorder
YUMMY STUFF: Anything chocolate or cheesy
Ok so that is me from A-Z. If you read this tag someone I tagged Carolyn